Publicatie: International Journal of Sustainable Development
19 mei 2014
Zojuist is het artikel “Entertainment-Education: Storytelling for the Greater, Greener Good” verschenen dat Martine Bouman en Sarah Lubjuhn van het CMG samen met Julia-Lena Reinermann van de Universiteit Duisburg-Essen (Duitsland) en Arvind Singhal van de University of Texas at El Paso (Amerika) in het International Journal of Sustainable Development hebben gepubliceerd.Bent u benieuwd naar de inhoud? Dan klikt u hier om het artikel te downloaden.
Onderstaand vindt u de abstract en de referentie van het artikel:
Can mass-mediated storytelling inspire sustainable practices for the greater public good? Can positive media models be portrayed that uphold sustainability principles? These are challenging questions for the transdisciplinary field of sustainability communication. The present article argues that the Entertainment-Education (E-E) communication strategy represents an engaging and innovative approach in sustainability communication. We note the urgent need for more sustainable lifestyles and highlight the role which the E-E strategy can play in this public endeavour. We describe the E-E strategy and its theoretical foundations, including E-E effects and collaboration research. In addition, we provide examples of several E-E interventions for sustainability. We conclude by raising ethical considerations and the implications that E-E holds for the greater, greener public good.
Reinermann, J-L., Lubjuhn, S., Bouman, M. and Singhal, A. (2014) ‘Entertainment-education: storytelling for the greater, greener good’, Int. J. Sustainable Development, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp.176–191.
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